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Time (UTC): 

0001 (Olen 73) Narva 50, I'm Olen 73, over (3x)
0018 (Olen 73) Paket 07, I'm Olen 73, over
0021 (Paket 07) I'm Paket 07, over
0025 (Olen 73) Do you know have they moved to that track, Narva 50? (they probably meant radio channel/equipment)
0031 (Paket 07) No, I don't know
0034 (Olen 73) Have they done the work?
0036 (Paket 07) Cargo 500, we have it, they did the work. (cargo 500 is usually medical supply)
0037 (Olen 73) Copy. Can you call Narva?
0040 (Paket 07) He will be here in a momemnt
0042 (Narva 50) Receiving.
0042 (Paket 07) Olen 73 was calling you, have you observed that?
0045 (Narva 50) Nope, I didn't. He was calling in here?
0048 (Paket 07) Yes, he did.
0050 (Narva 50) What he wants?
0052 (Paket 07) Just call him now.
0053 (Narva 50) A sec.
0055 (Narva 50) Olen 73, I'm Narva 50, over.
0100 (Olen 73) I'm Olen 73, over.
0103 (Narva 50) Question. Do you have anything for me?
0105 (Olen 73) I'm callin you for an hour already. Both on big one and here but you are not answering. (inaudible) 02, 01. Precisely.
0116 (Narva 50) 02, 01?
0119 (Olen 73) Yes, affirmative.
0120 (Narva 50) No changes, no changes? Did you make request?
0124 (Olen 73) The one you made this afternoon?
0126 (Narva 50) Yes, the same one, no changes.
0130 (Olen 73) Copy now, over.
0131 (Narva 50) Over.

Date (mm/dd/yy): 