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Time (UTC): 

[00:00]Emal 23, I am Tkan 67 over

[00:52] Bambet90, Bambet90(???), I am Tkan 67 over

[1:04] Metka 57, I am Tkan 67 over

[1:18] Marka 12, I am Tkan 67, over

[1:46] Emal 23, I am Tkan 67, over

[2:09] Listening to you Tkan67, over
[2:14] Email 23, I am Tkan 67, did you blew number 7? Is he gone or he is still out there?
[2:24] .... can you please repeat again?
[2:28] Emal 23, I am Tkan67. Did you eliminate number 7th today?
[2:38] Seventh?
[2:39] Yes, correct, 7th
[2:57] Emal, I can't hear you well, please talk louder, over
[2:59] inaudible
[3:06] Roger. Let's try to switch to Track B
[3:14] Last time, I had mode "B" with you, right?
[3:19] yeah yeah
[3:24] Let's switch immediately to Mode B

Date (mm/dd/yy): 