0:03 URAGAN: Bagdad, Bagdad, this is Uragan. Over.
0:08 PORTRET: Kiev, this is Portret. Copy that.
0:11 URAGAN: Bagdad, Bagdad, this is Uragan. Over.
0:13 TASHKENT: Ryazan, Ryazan, this is Tashkent. Over.
0:18 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan. The information was passed on to Portret, it was passed on.
0:26 BAGDAD: Uragan, this is Bagdad. Over.
0:27 PORTRET: Ryazan, this is Portret, pass on to Maska that Geyzer sent a little box with 300th.
0:35 RYAZAN: Copy, copy that.
0:41 RYAZAN: Kiev, Kiev, this is Ryazan, over. . Kiev, Kiev, Kiev this is Ryazan, over.
0:50 KIEV: Ryazan, Ryazan, this is Kiev, Kiev.
0:54 RYAZAN: Kiev, this is Ryazan. Do you have the connection with Maska, over.
0:59 KIEV: Yes, I do. I do.
1:02 RYAZAN: Pass on to Maska that Geyzer has sent a little box with 300s, over.
1:10 PORTRET: Kiev, this is Portret, over.
1:14 URAGAN: Kiev, Kiev, this is Uragan, over. Kiev, Kiev, this is Uragan We’re located where you’re and Bagdad. Not there? . Over.
1:25 KIEV: Not there < further answer is inaudible>
1:32 RYAZAN: Kiev, Kiev, this is Ryazan, over.
1:35 KIEV: Ryazan, the first
1:38 RYAZAN: Portret started his work but he doesn’t have pings. It doesn’t ping. Correct?
1:45 KIEV:
1:47 : Copy, copy that. questions. They are still clarifying, haven’t reported to me yet. Over.
1:56 RYAZAN: This is Ryazan, copy, copy.
2:00 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over.
2:02 TASHKENT: This is Tashkent, over.
2:04 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Portret is informing that he’s at the work place but he doesn’t ping, doesn’t ping. He doesn’t have children, over.
2:17 TASHKENT: This is Tashkent. I don’t understand at all. Portret went to work but he doesn’t ping, doesn’t ping? Over.
2:25 RYAZAN: Yes, yes, yes, over.
2:27 TASHKENT: Ryazan, Ryazan, this is Tashkent, over.
2:28 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over.
2:33 TASHKENT: Clarify with Tashkent what exactly he can’t ping.
2:39 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over.
2:43 TASHKENT: Ryazan, this is Tashkent. Clarify with Tashkent what exactly he can’t ping. Over.
2:47 RYAZAN: Portret, Portret, Portret, this is Ryazan, Ryazan. What can’t you ping? Portret, Portret, this is Ryazan. What can’t you ping?
3:10 PORTRET: Ryazan, this is Portret. You’re breaking off. Over.
3:14 RYAZAN: Portret, this is Ryazan. What has happened with you? <Ти Ар Тот Ар> Over.
3:29 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over. Volgograd, this is Ryazan, over.
3:44 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Portret is informing that he can’t ping the open net. Over.
3:55 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Repeat louder, repeat louder, over.
4:01 TASHKENT: that little ribbon is leaving us. Let him prepare to meet it. Over.
4:08 RYAZAN: The little ribbon is leaving us. Let him meet it. Did I understand correctly?
4:15 TASHKENT: Yes, yes.
4:17 RYAZAN: Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, this is Ryazan, Ryazan.
4:44 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Over. To inform Uragan that big birds will go soon and they will need to be accompanied. Right?
4:54 They will need to be managed
4:59 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Chelyabinsk is not answering, isn’t answering. Over.
5:05 RYAZAN: Uragan, Uragan, Uragan, this is Ryazan, this is Ryazan, Ryazan, over.
5:12 RYAZAN: Geyzer, Geyzer, Geyzer, this is Ryazan, Ryazan, over. Geyzer, do you have connection with Uragan?
5:20 GEYZER: Reapeat, I don’t hear.
5:22 RYAZAN: Geyzer, do you have connection with Uragan?
5:25 GEYZER: Yes, I do.
5:27 RYAZAN: Pass on to Uragan that soon the big ones will go.
5:35 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over. How soon the big birds will go? Over. Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over. This is Ryazan, over.
5:47 RYAZAN: Kiev, Kiev, this is Ryazan, over. Chelyabinsk, I’m calling Chelyabinsk. Over. Kiev and Chelyabinsk, over.
5:58 GEYZER: Ryazan, this is Geyzer. Over.
5:59 RYAZAN: Geyzer, this is Ryazan. Over.
6:01 GEYZER: Did they confirm the time? Over
6:04 RYAZAN: I wasn’t told anything. Over. They haven’t confirmed it yet. Over
6:11 GEYZER: Copy. Also, please I hear you very badly.
6:16 RYAZAN: I’m requesting. He hasn’t been given it yet.
6:22 RYAZAN: This is RAYZAN, over. Tashkent, what about the old issues, about the time and . Over.
6:31 TASHKENT: I copy, copy that. What about the time. About the big birds. Over.
6:35 RYAZAN: Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk. This is Ryazan, over.
6:40 GEYZER: Uragan, Uragan, this is Geyzer.
6:43 RYAZAN: Kiev, Kiev, this is Ryazan, over. Kiev, regarding your question Tambov is not near here. They cannot confirm. Over.
6:53 KIEV: I will confirm, Ryazan. Over.
6:56 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Over. Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Kiev is asking Tashkent for permission to leave. He is standing and waiting for the ribbon. He’s standing at the main .
7:10 GEYZER: Bagdad, Bagdad. This is Geyzer, over. Bagdad, Bagdad, this is Geyzer, over.
7:22 TASHKENT: Transmit to Kiev that he covers .
7:24 RYAZAN: I Copy, copy that. Over.
7:27 RYAZAN: Kiev, Kiev, this is Ryazan. Over. Kiev, Kiev, transmit for U the coordinates on Kiev.
7:39 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over. Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Kiev is saying that there is no ribbon near him. Look up his last coordinates. He’s standing now and per Tambov’s order is waiting for the ribbon. Already for a long time. Over.
7:59 RYAZAN: , this is Ryazan, over. Bagdad, Bagdad, this is Ryazan, over. . Rapira, Rapira, this is Ryazan, over.
8:18 TASHKENT: Ryazan, this is Tashkent, over.
8:20 RYAZAN: Tashkent, Ukropy are already talking on the air. dialogue, over.
8:25 TASHKENT: Ryazan, this is Tashkent. I didn’t understand it.
8:29 RYAZAN: Tashekent, this is Ryazan. Ukropy are talking on the air. Transmit to our people via dialogue: I can’t pass on the information, over.
9:03 RYAZAN: Rapira, Rapira, this is Ryazan. Tashkent is calling you. Stay on the air, stay on the air.
9:09 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Rapira is on the air, over. Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over.
9:22 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan. Rapira has got on the air, over.
9:27 Tashkent, Tashkent, this is Ryazan. I hear you at level 3. Speak louder, speak louder,
9:34 TASHKENT: Ryazan, this is Tashkent. Transmit to Rapira the command ‘forwad, forward, forward’.
9:40 RYAZAN: Rapira, this is Ryazan, over.
9:42 this is Ryazan, over. What did you want to transmit?
9:55 I copy.
9:57 RYAZAN: Volga, Volga, this is Ryazan, over. Volga, Volga, has anything changed? Over. Has anything changed? Over.
10:11 TASHKENT: Baryer, this is Tashkent, over. Ryazan, this is Tashkent, over.
10:13 RYAZAN: Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over.
10:15 RYAZAN: Baryer, I repeat the callsign Baryer. Baryer, Baryer, Baryer, this is Ryazan, Ryazan, over. Baryer, Baryer, Baryer, this is Ryazan, over.
10:32 RYAZAN: Tashkent, what needs to be confirmed with Portret? Over. Tashkent, this is Ryazan, over. Tashkent, this is Ryazan. What needs to be confirmed with Portret? Over. Portret has come up on the air, over.
10:48 RYAZAN: Portret, this is Ryazan, over.
Priority 3-4