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Time (UTC): 

[0:00] I am Sopka, your first job went through, although with some issues at first, and then it cut
[0:07] Roger, the reception quality 2-3 points.
[0:11] Same, your job (communication) is 2-3 points.
[0:15] Do you have Gamma-9 and Gamma-1? Over
[0:19] No, he just spelled it to me, and that's it. I have "two", which needed to be picked in one spot, over.
[0:30] Sopka 705, roger. I want it to be brought to me, so I can take a look at them,
and then I will contact you. over
[0:40] Understood. Waiting.
[0:41] Neirit 7 9, Neirit 7 9, this is Ekran 20, over.
[0:46] Sopka 705, this is Ekran 20
[0:48] This is Sopka
[0:49] Sopka, let's once again and correct some suggestions, over.
[0:57] Copy that
[0:58] If it's not going to work then the track . We're entering.
[1:02] Roger
[1:04] Ekran, I am Sopka
[1:06] Sopka 705, I am Neirit 79, over
[1:10] - I am Sopka, I am Sopka, over

Date (mm/dd/yy): 