HM01 – De La Chica Cuban Number Station

HM01 is a Cuban number station that appeared sometime around 2012, replacing a majority of schedules for its counterparts V02a and SK01. HM01 is a hybrid of these two stations. It sends 5 figure call ups using the current voice circuit of V02a, and the message is sent in the RDFT mode used by SK01 emitting in AM. The station appears daily, and has many frequencies that ensure it transmits almost every hour (that is, if its operators don’t mess it up).

Recording Sample

Like the rest of the Cuban family, HM01 is no stranger to mistakes due to poor operation. The station has been observed sending two HM01 transmissions on the same frequency, creating a mess of data noise and voice jamming one another. It has also often been noted of the carrier used to indicate an HM01 transmission appearing, but with no broadcast. On occasions operators mistakenly send it as a V02a transmission, then (but not always) correcting it with the data mode appearing some time later on.

Decoding HM01 RDFT – How to Decode that RDFT in Numbers Station HM01? Roland Explains

HM01 Station Structure

HM01 Station Structure Over Waterfall View

Numbers Station Summary

Nickname: Voce De La Chica
Emission Mode:
Voice Summary:
Female, Cuban/South American accent
Believed Country of Origin:
Related Stations:
V02a, M08a, SK01
Station Family: Family 18 “Cuban”