Russian Naval Frequencies

Below is a list of the most active Russian Naval Frequencies. There are 578 known Naval frequencies listed by UDFX All modes are in CW.

Frequency Callsign Location
3395.5 RCV Sevastopol (simplex)
4079 RMP Kaliningrad (duplex) 
4635 White Sea area calling Severodvinsk (duplex)
4376.5 White Sea area calling Severodvinsk (duplex)
5411 RCJ Vladivostok (duplex)
5717 RCV
8120 RAA Navy HQ St. Petersburg (simplex)
8345 Ship night primary (duplex)
8348 Pacific Fleet ship primary (duplex)
11000 RIW Moscow (duplex)
11155 RIT Severomorsk (duplex)
12464 Ship day primary (duplex)
14556 RIW Moscow (duplex)
19201 RCV Sevastopol (weather/nav warnings)

The Pacific Fleet (PF) – HQ at Vladivostok
HQ Callsigns:
Moscow = RIW
National Defence Control Centre, St. Petersburg = RAA
Severomorsk = RIT
Kaliningrad = RMP
Sevastopol = RCV
Astrakhan = RJD52
Vladivostok = RJS
ST. Petersburg naval station- RJC66
Moscow transmitter site used when RIW and RAA is off also used for land units- RJE56

Messages and Monitoring

The primary ship frequency 12464 kHz is used from 0600 to 1800z, and overnight at 8345 kHz from 1800 to 0600z

The Russians work in the majority using a duplex system with the HQ’s using their own frequencies to transmit on. While all of the HQ’s will have an operator listening out on the primary ship frequencies, the ships will be listening to their HQ frequency (or frequencies) only. Only  other listen frequecncy is allocoted by RIW incase if Moscow wants to contact them and send a flash message.

The Russian navy uses FM-14-SHIP code system format for messages also used by NOAA for Marine Surface Weather Observations. Here is the message example:
RKB91 (РКБ91) (callsign) Altay Class Tanker “Kola:”
RKB91 605 (message number) 16 (number of the groups in message) 22 (date)  1000 (Moscow time) 605 (repeat of the message number) = SML  (message priority – SML samolet (aircraft) normal priority) FOR RJH45 RJD38 = (hydrographic station callsign) 
22061 99572 10081 41598 43408 10004 40110 51024 70202
22252 00140 22012 = + RKB91

The callup message to establish contact with the naval base looks like this:
The ship’s callsign can be tracked on the online naval databases and trackers.
Russian Naval Radio Network. Call Signs and Frequencies


1) Roper, Tony Monitoring the Russian Navy – Part One. Spectrum Monitor 2015 February Nr.2
2) (removed)
3) (removed)