V12 – NNN Austrian Number Stations Network

The NNN network of number stations, including V12 was determined to have been run by the Austrian HNA.  This was after some argument, as there were suggestions that it could have belonged to the CIA or MOSSAD.  All NNN stations emitted in AM mode.

Message Recording

Station Structure

Morse code “N” Groupe 21, groupe 21 45433 45433
09210 09210 …
Morse code “N” Groupe 25, groupe 25 44919 44919
22261 22261 …
Sent in
Morse code
count (2x)
paired groups
Sent in Morse
code 10x
Group count (2x) 5-digit
paired groups
 Repeats 5 minutes

List of French Numbers

1 = Un 2 = Deux 3 = Trois
4 = Quatre 5 = Cinq 6 = Six
7 = Sept 8 = Huit 9 = Neuf
0 = Zéro

A guide to their pronunciations

Numbers Station Summary

Nickname: NNN
Emission mode:
Voice Summary:
Automated woman’s voice speaking in the French language. Usually slow in reading with incredibly monotone voice, originally a very high dramatic voice was used.
Believed Country of Origin:
Counterpart Stations:
G12(?), E12, V18, M02
Station Family:
Family 4 “NNN”


The Conet Project – V12 NNN Recording