F06 – Digital Russian Numbers Station

F06 is a digital Russian numbers station that utilizes a custom FSK mode.  The station transmits from multiple locations from within Russia.  Originally identified as M42d in early 2015, then changed later because of the stations format.  It also used to be considered a diplomatic station and was referred to as FSK 200/1000.

Message Format

F06 begins with a 5 group header using the same link identifiers as messages sent via two-way communications with Russian diplomatic missions.  The messages consist of 5 digit groups.  Most messages begin with the group “11166” meaning they’re sending an urgent priority message.

All messages end with a 2-digit serial number and 3-digit group count.  Like F01, the serial number ranges from 1-99, and increases by one with every new message.  The count starts over at 0 again after 99.

Null messages send three groups of “00000” after the 5 group intro header.

F06 Sample Recording


The F06 schedule sends 3 identical transmissions 10 minutes apart. Each additional transmission is 1-3 MHz higher or lower in frequency. If a message is sent, it will repeat the next day at the same time and frequency. Test data is transmitted up to 10 minutes before the first transmission consisting of an ASCII string “464646”

Numbers Station Summary

Activity: Active
Emission Mode: FSK, 200 Bd, 1000 Hz, ACF=288
Location: Moscow, Russia; Orenburg, Russia; Chita, Russia; Havana, Cuba


Priyom.org F06 Profile
Numbers and Oddities Newsletter 208 Page 2
Numbers and Oddities M42 Profile